Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My work as a parent has come to fruition....

Why? You might just ask. I came of age in the '80's; the best decade of epic/big haired rock. Good times indeed. So, my utmost musical goal in life is to impart to my daughter the importance of such things. I have succeeded. My heart swelled two times its size when what do my wandering ears should hear but Journey pumping through my daughter's bedroom the other day. Oh yeah. Don't Stop Believing, Faithfully. Oh, I was proud. I was very, very proud. A goofy smile spread across my face and I actually giggled and clapped my hands. I peeked into her room and just gave her this approving grin. Understood. Now, one might think that was enough to leave this world with. Oh no my friend. More to come. She is now taking an after school program of Blues Guitar and after I picked her up yesterday she said her goal is to learn how to play Sweet Child 'O Mine from Guns 'N Roses. I nearly wrecked the car. Once again, proud, proud moment. To all of you epic/big hair band fans out there, this is for you too. If I can do it, so can you.

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