Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Daydream for the day

I keep spacing off into nowhere-land today. An innate desire to be somewhere else, someone else, doing something else. Sometimes it's hard to feel comfortable just where I am. To just be. My daydream today, on this beautiful Fall afternoon is imagining that I am at the Arboretum going barefoot in the grass, walking at a snail's pace, taking in all the sounds, smells of rotting leaves and algae-crusted waters. I want to feel the slight breeze in my hair as I pull it back because it's still a bit too warm out. It's the kind of warm where I can do without a coat, but my nose is freezing and it starts to run, yet I have little beads of sweat from just walking up the hill. To feel as if I have not a care in the world because lately I feel rather anonymous, like the world could easily do without me; but I know my role. I know I belong here and now, be it alone or not. This time of year, I feel very cuddly. This urge to cuddle up to someone I care about and just be. Maybe someday that will happen again. For now, I have enjoy the cold alone, the grass alone, the smells alone. I think it's a strength in being a woman. It builds character. I never used to think so, but somethings change and so have I.

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