It’s been a while since my last log-in, but if I got nothin’ to say, I got nothin’ to say. So now, I have something to say.
I’ve never given Woody Allen the time of day. Let a lone a few hours of my precious Sunday evening. But my sister convinced me that I needed to watch one of his movies before I make any harsh judgments on his character. At this time of year, it’s easy for me to begin dwelling on a few things about my life, love (or the lack thereof) and things I need to accomplish for the New Year.
We watched Manhattan drinking Mike’s Hard Lemonade and eating ice-cream in waffle cones. (Good times) It had to be one of the best movies I’ve ever seen about love and relationships. I’ve actually had dialogue like that at times in my life! He is the master of conversation. A film that transcends time and culture and I learned yet a few more things about those difficult things called relationships.
I take back all those bad things I’ve said about Woody Allen, and forget that he married his adopted daughter and now, I have to see all of his movies.
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