Did any of you notice the flub of the stocking picture? The dates are backwards. That, my friends is called a photoshop flub-up. Oh well. Next.
As promised here is a picture of my trusty spinning wheel. Her name is Daisy and she is from Australia and I stained her myself. A cherry oak color. I love this wheel. I love that it's a symbol of old. A time when things were very hard on women, and people in general. Clothes were handmade, spinning was done all the time in order to create wool for tapestries and knitted garments. I could go without the cleaning. I've cleaned wool before and that is not a very satisfying job. I'd rather spin. When I spin, I put on some relaxing music, something that is mood-setting like Lorena McKennitt or something and trance out. It's such a rhythmic activity and before I know it, I've spun and entire spool of yarn. It's magic, right through my fingers. I'm not sure you can see the sparkles in this yarn, but it's there. It's a soft yellow and cream-dyed wool with just enough sparkles to shimmer around my neck when I wear it as a scarf. Or, I might make a hat too, (if there is enough)
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